
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Running Out of Clothes, Again!

yep, after having maternity dresses and pants tailored for my growing tummy, i am now beginning to run out of clothes once more. hubby and me went to Max Department store to stuff my cabinets with new office clothes (it's also his way of making-up after making me cry last night and missed the GFC Christmas Party!). i was able to get 2 new blouses (a rusty and light-colored 3/4 sleeved blouse and a blue-greenery colored smarty blouse).

my tummy's getting bigger that hubby had to push me to my side when i needed to turn side ways in bed. =) the pain in my lower back is getting worse. i am also experiencing bone pains in my "you know where", which my sister says is just normal. she said that all these pains that i am experiencing are just my body's way of preparation for the much bigger pain... oh my...

anyhow, little baby now has his first Christmas presents!!! a bath set, a starter dress set and two cutey pillows. all are colored light blue, of course! =) gustong-gusto ko ngang halungkatin yung things nya, everyday eh. hihi.

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i also bought 2 night dresses for myself, those i would be wearing to the hospital soon. syempre, mommy has to look good also after his birth. =)

his dad, on the other hand, wanted a name that has initials, T.P. i suggested Timothy Parnell but it did not appeal to him. Parnell has a 50/50 chances to be approved (being new to his ear), but Timothy stands a lower chance though. anyway, more name hunting to go!!!

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